Be it for budgeting, reporting, or analysis, you can easily sum data within a date range using the SUMIFS formula. SUMIFS is an extended form of SUMIF formula where you can enter multiple criteria.


=SUMIFS(values to sum range, date range, >=minimum date, date range, <=minimum range)


  1. Type =SUMIFS(
  2. Select or type range reference that includes cells to add $H$3:$H$10
  3. Select or type range reference that includes date values you want to apply the criteria against $C$3:$C$10
  4. Type minimum date criteria with equoal or greater than operator ">=1/1/2010"
  5. Add the date range again $C$3:$C$10
  6. Type maximum date criteria with equal or greater than operator "<=12/31/2012"
  7. Type ) and press Enter to complete formula


SUMIFS function adds values that meet single or multiple criteria. Ability to use criteria with logical operators like greater than or equal (>=) and less than or equal (<=) provides the way of adding values between values.

To filter dates between two dates, we need two criteria and suitable operators. We used ">=1/1/2010" and "<=12/31/2012" criteria to define start and end dates of searching. Search is made on same date range $C$3:$C$10.


Tip: Order of dates do NOT matter. "<=12/31/2012" criteria can be placed as first criteria.

Alternative way to write formula is using cell references instead of static dates. For example; if your minimum date value is at cell K8, then criteria would be written as “>=”&K8.

=SUMIFS($H$3:$H$10,$C$3:$C$10,">="&K8,$C$3:$C$10,"<= "&K9)